Friday, November 12, 2010

Post-It Note Friday!

Okay, so we experienced some unseasonally warm weather this week.  But tell me why it seemed that every salesperson on this green earth found it necessary to push their wares!?
I thought that they were tucked away for the season.....

Wrong! Oh So Very Wrong!

So.  Here is the tongue lashing that I would have rather given them, instead of the polite banter that I dished.

There.  It's off my chest!

You know you want to play along!  Leave your 'Post-It Note Friday' Rants in the comment section.  I'll use them in a post on the blog with a link back to your blog hangout!
What do you say?  Do you want to play?


Galit Breen (Minnesota Mamaleh) said...

love the notes and love that you still have gs cookies in the freezer! that's some serious self-control there, mama! xo

Hey Dude! said...

Galit Breen (Minnesota Mamaleh),

...I keep them hidden on the bottom shelf behind the freezer-burned turkey parts!

Thanx for the blog luv

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Great Post-it's! Good idea for ranting, too!

Hey Dude! said...

OldOldLady Of The Hill,

Thanx millions for stopping by.
Love your blog! ...CONGRATS! again on your 40yr anniversary! Kudos!

...if you had a rant that you would put on a Post-It Note, what would it be?


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