Friday, April 1, 2016

[A]in't THIS Some Real ....... !: #AtoZChallenge 2016

Had some time to catch up on some reading.  Found THIS STORY  from the
 The Gawker
..... YASSS!!!! it IS  Breaking News!!!!

The story goes something like this
..... Sometime last week in Loudin County Virginia, the CIA was performing a routine "joint training exercise" for their bomb sniffing canines.  The exercise not only included these highly specialized dogs but included explosive material and a school bus.  It appears that the CIA didn't do such a good job of cleaning up after themselves. You see,  it was discovered that the explosives had been 'Inadvertently  left' behind - in the engine compartment of the school bus!

The statement from the school district says that, the bus in question "made eight runs totaling 145 miles carrying 26 students attending Rock Ridge High School, Buffalo Trail Elementary School and Pinebrook Elementary School.” 


Now,  you know like I do,  that not everyone is going to be convinced that this was an awful oversight! However,  the sheriff's department reassured the parents that the children were not in any real danger because the explosives were 'highly' stable.
A crock of bullsh*t! ... OR  'Sometimes dumba$$ery happens to good people'?
What say you? 

Linking to AtoZChallenge 2016


cammies on the floor said...

That's terrible

Hey Dude! said...

Around My Kitchen Table

... an ass whipping and then some!!!!

Hey Dude! said...

Cammies On The Floor
I agree! This is beyond explanation!

P.S. I left you the following comment on your post (B is for b-b-But). It posted under 'Anonymous'..... Not sure why....��

"Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do …..

BRAVO! To You. *drops the mike*"


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